The world-famous Cabot Trail rises from the sea and clings to the mountains on a winding 185-mile adventure of stunning beauty traversing mountains, wetlands ocean vistas and jagged coastline cliffs. Starting at Baddeck the eastern leg of the Cabot Trail traverses coastal marshes and wetland rising to a scenic rocky coastline.

The northern leg of Cabot Trail winds through the Cape Breton Highlands National Park The diversity of this leg is incredible, it starts with jagged rocky coastline then weaves its way through thick lush green forests and hidden lakes, and then it opens up to a visually stunning coastline.

The final stretch along the west coast is the dream of every performance car driver, with hairpin curves etched into the winding rocky coastline cliffs. This driving experience on this stretch of highway far exceeds PCH. An incredibly inexpensive lobster dinner is a fitting end to this fantastic driving tour.